Vega-MV Router Multiviewer - User Manual
Issue 1 Revision 2
Page 127
© 2017 SAM
Object Menu
Web Interface 7.6
tick box
The purpose of this function is to allow many audio bars to be set up
quickly and it is therefore best suited to cases when you want to
display many consecutive channels using the same format.
When enabled the Meter layout group shown in Figure 93 is replaced,
see Table 48 on page 129 for details.
Use 2 rows of bars
tick box
Tick to enable the use of a second row of audio meter bars. When
ticked the first row of bars is displayed in the upper part of the tile and
the second row is displayed at the lower part of the tile.
When unticked only one row of audio meter bars is displayed.
Audio sources
Sets the source to display in each of the 16 bars of the meter. These
are configured in pairs. Set to
to turn a pair off, or select
audio pair as the source.
Audio Format
Sets the audio format for each audio source pair. Select from:
and multiple
Dolby E
source types.
2nd row
tick boxes
Tick to display the audio pair in the second row of audio meter bars.
This option only available if the
Use 2 rows of bars
tick box is ticked.
Sets the vertical and horizontal position of the meter within the
Setting examples
To position the top of the audio meter bars at the top of the tile
set to 0
To position the middle of audio meter bars on the horizontal
centre line of the tile set to 50
To position the bottom of audio meter bars at the bottom of the
tile set to 100
If the
Use 2 rows of bars
tick box is ticked the vertical and horizontal
slider settings are used for both meters.
Sets the vertical and horizontal size of the meter within the window.
If the
Use 2 rows of bars
tick box is ticked the vertical and horizontal
slider settings are used for both meters.
Intra-pair spacing
Sets the number of pixels between the meter bars of each audio pair.
Inter-pair spacing
Sets the number of pixels between adjacent meter pairs.
Bar Colours:
Selects bar to which the color of the over, upper and lower range
applies, see section 7.3.4 for details on setting the levels at which the
colors change.
Sets the over range color for the bar selected in the Bar Colours
Sets the upper range color for the bar selected in the Bar Colours
Sets the lower range color for the bar selected in the Bar Colours
Wrong format
Not applicable if Audio Format is set to
Sets the wrong format color for the bar selected in the Bar Colours
Table 47
Edit Object - Properties - Audio Sub-Tab (Continued)