Page 13
Tankless Heater Installation - Optional
1. Clean the heater flange to remove any rust or
2. Install the four 7/16 in. x 1 1/2 in. studs into the
tapped holes in the tankless heater fl ange on the
section, Figure 12.
Figure 12 - Tankless Heater Installation
3. Place the heater gasket over the studs and carefully
install the heater.
4. Install the nuts and tighten evenly to ensure uniform
compression of the gasket.
5. Install the operating control in one of the heater
mounting plates to ensure quick burner response
when there is a demand for hot water. Figure 13
illustrates an acceptable piping arrangement for
multiple heaters.
Burner Mounting
1. Clean the burner mounting flange to remove any
rust or debris.
2. Install the four 3/8 in. x 1 1/4 in. studs into the
tapped holes in the burner mounting plate.
3. Use a hacksaw blade, or some other suitable tool,
to properly size the opening in the burner mounting
plate insulation block to match the burner air tube
end diameter.
NOTE: The opening should be a close fi t, but not too
snug or the insulation block may be damaged upon
burner insertion!
4. Place the burner gasket, supplied with the burner,
over the studs and carefully insert the burner into
the opening in the burner mounting plate.
CAUTION: Most burners require support to the fl oor.
Follow the burner manufacturer's instructions or the
burner may be damaged!
5. Install the 3/8 in. washers and nuts and tighten
Figure 13 - Multiple Tankless Heater Piping