Manuale GW3060 - User
Versione 22.10.08
To ensure that the materials processed by the instrument washer are completely washed and disinfected, the
washing phase/s must be as efficacious as possible.
The following factors contribute towards improving the efficacy of the washing process:
. arrangement of the instruments in the washing trolley in the best possible way;
. quality and quantity of the water;
. pressure of the water in the washing ducts;
. temperature at which washing occurs;
. detergents used.
Arrangement of the instruments in the washing trolley
Take the following precautions:
. do not fill the trolleys with too much material at the same time;
. make sure that the instruments are positioned so that they do not overlap each other;
. if the instruments have articulated parts, open out the articulations as far as they will go;
. do not place instruments covered with blood or other substances that have been allowed to dry, into the
. bulky instruments must be put in the baskets in a manner that prevents “shadow areas” from being created, as
these areas obstruct cleaning of other instruments;
. instruments with cavities (flexible tubes, respiration systems, etc.) must have the possibility of being completely
rinsed, even internally. Therefore, inserts with washing devices designed specifically for treating this type of
instrumentation must be used;
. position the instruments so that they are unable to obstruct the spraying arms.
Quality and quantity of water
It is essential for the water to be of a good quality. Have the water in the water supply system periodically
checked. Connect the demineralized water supply when possible (conductivity < 8-10
It may be advisable to increase the amount of water used for each phase (by means of the relative menu),
depending on the washing trolley and program selected; this parameter may not be changed for Smeg’s programs.
Water pressure
By operating correctly, the washing pump ensures that the pressure in the machine’s hydraulic circuit is correct.
An alarm message will appear on the display if the pressure is incorrect.
Washing temperature
The optimum temperature at which washing takes place depends on the type of detergent used and the
instruments to process. However, washing temperatures must usually exceed 50°C, otherwise the chemicals will
be inefficacious.