Chapter 3 Alarm Indication and Troubleshooting
HRS Series
3.3 Troubleshooting
Check the external piping.
Check if the external piping is in the conditions shown below:
(1) The external piping has close bending, curves at a sharp angle or clogging.
(2) A valve or a switching valve is mounted in the middle of the external piping, and it closes the
piping temporarily.
(3) A filter (strainer) for circulating fluid is used, and the filter is clogged. Filtration rating has been
Check for any clogging in the heat exchanger.
Check for clogging in the heat exchanger (evaporator) due to contamination contained in the
circulating fluid adheres to the heat exchanger.
Operate the Thermo-Chiller as a single unit.
Install a pressure gauge (measurable range: approx. 0 to 1 MPa), a valve (with approximate flow
adjustability), and a flow meter (measurable range: approx. 0 to 30 L/min) to the Thermo-Chiller.
Make an isolated operation of the pump (by pressing the "RUN/STOP" key and "MENU" key
simultaneously) to measure the circulating fluid flow rate and the circulating fluid return pressure.
From the measurement results, if the circulating fluid return pressure is higher than the pressure at
the return port in the "Pump capacity" graph shown in the Operation Manual, it means that there is a
clogging i the heat exchanger.
Fig. 3.3-27 Piping example