To install public servers on your network (For Example, Web or ftp
servers), you need to apply for an IP address for each server plus one for the
LAN port of the SMC7301TA. All these public IP addresses have to belong to
the same IP network.
Set the following parameters:
Public IP Address:
the public IP address for the LAN interface on the
Public IP Netmask:
the network mask for the public network address on your
Private IP Address:
the private IP address for the LAN interface on the
SMC7301TA. The default private IP address is If you want to
create your own private network through other SMC7301TA with remote
offices, you need to make sure that each SMC7301TA on each LAN is
assigned a unique private IP net work address. However, please note that
once you change the private IP address (such as from the default of to either from the browser or through a telnet
session (which is based on the IP address), the device from which you
operate will no longer be able to communicate with your SMC7301TA. To
reconnect, you need to restart your device to allow it to acquire the new
private IP address from the SMC7301TA, and then your device can again
communicate with your SMC7301TA. For the same re ason, all devices on the