Smart Power Systems
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Optional J1939 Interface
1. The integrated SAE J1939 communication interface makes it possible to connect
the generator’s ECU to a vehicle multiplexing system for monitoring, control and
real time diagnostic information. Everything available via the Command and Control
Center, and more, is available through the J1939 interface.
2. Multiplex developers who have worked with Smart Power Systems
will be able to
supply database information and screen layouts to their OEM customers. Potential
display screens and available information can be seen in Figures 22 and 23, below.
For independent development please contact Smart Power Systems
at (231) 832
5525 for J1939 message details.
Figure 25
– J1939 Multiplex Monitoring
Figure 26
– J1939 Multiplex Control and Diagnostic Information
3. Generator systems equipped with the SAE J1939 communication interface have a
three-pin harness as shown above in the interface drawing, Figure 8. The
connector pinout can be found in the electrical schematic in Figure 2. A 120 Ohm
ermination must be added if the generator’s ECU is a single network node.