SMART Board User’s Guide
Downloading the Microsoft Web Publishing
Wizard, 59
Dragging and Dropping via Task Bar, 68
Drawing Rectangles, Ellipses, and Lines,
Editing Converted Handwriting,
E-mailing Notebook Files, 60
Enhancing System Performance for
Recording, 40
Enhancing Video Quality, 40
Entering Freehand Numbers, 34
Erasing, 26
Changing Pen Tray Eraser Settings, 19
Circle and Tap Erasing, 26
Clearing Annotations, 27
Freehand Annotations with Pen Tray
Eraser, 26
Resizing the Eraser to Fingertip Size, 26
SMART Board Tools for Macintosh, 9
SMART Board Tools for Windows, 7
Floating Tools, 4
Clearing Annotations, 27
List of Tools, 88
Reconfiguring, 22–24
Restore Annotations button, 22
Saving Settings as a User Profile, 24
Using, 21–22
Font Size, 49
Full Screen View
Macintosh, 75
Windows, 74
Future Labs TALKShow, 77
Graphic Files
Importing into Notebook (Macintosh), 69
Importing into Notebook (Windows), 67
Grouping Objects, 51
Handwriting Recognition, 30
HTML File Format, 58
Image File Format, 57
Importing Information in Macintosh
Cut, Copy and Paste, 69
Graphic Files, 69
Screen Captures, 68
Importing Information in Windows
Cut, Copy and Paste, 67
Dragging and Dropping via the Task Bar,
Files from Other Applications, 66
Pictures from Files or Clip Art, 67
Scanned Pictures, 67
Screen Captures, 64–66
Inserting Templates, 62
Intel ProShare, 77
Internet, Publishing Notebook Files, 59
JPEG File Format, 57
Keystoning Problems, 12
Laptop image problems, 13
Laptop Serial Port Unavailable, 13
Macintosh Serial Cable Setup, viii–x
Macintosh USB Adapter Cable Setup, vii
Make Background, 52
Managing Notebook Files, 56
Matching the Projector and Computer
Resolution, 12
Microsoft Excel, 77, 78
Microsoft Explorer 4.0, 59
Microsoft Imaging, 78
Microsoft NetMeeting, 77, 79
Microsoft Paint, 6, 77, 78, 80
Microsoft PowerPoint, 77
Accessing Pop-Up Menu, 84
Advancing Your Presentation, 82
Blacking Out Slides, 84
Clearing Annotations, 84
Restoring Annotations, 84
Reversing Your Presentation, 82
Saving Annotations, 83
Touch Shortcuts, 82
Use on a SMART Board, 82
Microsoft Word, 77, 78
Moving Objects in Notebook Software, 51
Multiple SMART Boards, 90–91
Navigating within a Notebook File, 76
Netscape CoolTalk, 77
Non-Projected Mode, 86
Capturing Annotations (Macintosh), 68