Depending on various conditions, the remote will trigger the feeder at a distance of approximately 50-100 ft.
Pairing the remote to a
The remote and the feeder you have received are already paired at the factory and should not require additional
pairing. However, if the remote or feeder is replaced or a new one is added, the pairing process will be needed.
Note: One remote can be paired to up to 3 feeders and one feeder can be paired with up to 3 remotes.
Initial pairing of the Feeder to a Smart Remote (must be done in this order):
On the Remote: simultaneously press and hold buttons 2 + 3 until the remote beeps, then release
both buttons.
On the Feeder: simultaneously press and hold ‘Volume’ + ‘Manual Feed’ buttons until the feeder
beeps then release both buttons.
Wait for a beep from the feeder to indicate the pairing process is complete. Do not press any
buttons during this process.
To confirm feeder and remote are paired, Quick press and release button 1 on the remote to
dispense a treat. If this does not work you may have to clear the pairing (see ‘To clear prior
pairing’) in the remote and feeder and repeat the above steps.
Note: The remote can be paired with up to 3 feeders. The process above is repeated for each feeder added to the
remote. The remote will automatically assign the first paired feeder to button 1, the second paired feeder to
button 2 and the third paired feeder to button 3. To start over and clear out the pairing assignments, see the
procedure below.
To clear pairing memory to (start over):
You will need to clear the pairing memory any time a remote or feeder is replaced or if the pairing step was not
On the Remote: simultaneously press and hold buttons 2+3 until the remote beeps then release both
buttons. Then
go to step 2 while remote status light is flashing.
On the Remote: repeat step 1; i.e.: simultaneously press and hold buttons 2+3 until the remote beeps then
release both buttons. The remote pairing is now cleared and ready for fresh pairing (see ‘Initial Pairing of a
Feeder to a Smart Remote’) after you have cleared the pairing memory on the feeder.
On the Feeder: simultaneously press and hold ‘Volume’ + ‘Manual Feed’ buttons until the feeder beeps
then release both buttons.
On the Feeder: repeat step 3; i.e.: simultaneously press and hold ‘Volume’ + ‘Manual Feed’ buttons until the
feeder beeps then release both buttons. The feeder pairing memory is now cleared and ready for fresh
pairing (see ‘Initial Pairing of a Feeder to a Smart Remote’).
Re-calibration of the feeder’s treat detectors
With medium size treats, the Pet Tutor
will typically dispense 1-3 treats at a time. With very small treats, it may
dispense up to 4-5 treats.
The Pet Tutor
has two sensors located above and below the brushes that detect treats as they go through the
chute. The sensitivity of those sensors is set at the factory and typically would not require re-calibration. When
using very small treats or dark colored treats a re-calibration of the detectors may sometimes improve the
precision of the number of kibble dispensed at every dispense cycle. If a large number of treats is consistently
dispensed, this procedure may help reduce that number.
Remove all treats from the hopper and the brushes.