Allow Your Brain to Relax
While wearing the Sleep Shepherd Blue, clear your
mind of distractions and allow your brain to relax.
Only use the Sleep Shepherd Blue when you are
prepared to go to sleep. Do not engage in other
activities such as reading, conversing, or watching
television while using the Sleep Shepherd Blue.
Limit Alcohol, Caffeine, and Tobacco
Limiting consumption of these substances will
drastically improve overall health and sleep patterns.
These items should especially be avoided prior to
bed as they are known to alter chemical compositions
in the body (particularly the brain) and tend to have a
negative impact on sleep cycles.
Limit Use of Electronics
It is important to limit prolonged interaction with
electronic devices prior to bed (phone, tablet, laptop,
TV). These devices tend to emit wavelengths of light
that have been shown to suppress melatonin levels
and lead to increased brainwave activity. These
devices also tend to evoke strong emotional and
physiological responses that are not conducive to
sleep and relaxation.
Sleep Hygiene Tips