IDP-782 - Hardware Guide
Tie the cable down so that the weight of a vibrating cable does not stress or strain the connection.
Tie the cable down using cable ties and tie holders (Figure 40) at 300 to 600 mm intervals along the
cable route to prevent chafing, wear, or strain.
Secure the cable tie holder with a self-tapping screw (Figure 40) for best holder retention.
Figure 40: Cable Management
4.6 Connect to Power
Apply power only after making ground connection.
Before applying power to the terminal, make sure that your power supply’s rated voltage
follows the recommended values specified in Section 2 Compliance.
The installer is responsible for complying with local electrical codes.
Note: SkyWave recommends that if possible you wait until the terminal is unblocked (has a full view
of the sky) before powering on the terminal.
1. Locate the main power input and the ground (GND) wires using the connector pin out table (Table
You can connect the terminal ground to ground in the fuse panel or to chassis ground. To do this,
secure the ground wire on the cable assembly to a piece of metal electrically connected to the
vehicle chassis using a sheet metal screw.
2. Ensure that the main power input and ground wires reach the vehicle fuse panel.
T213, Version 02
© SkyWave Proprietary