38. Glue formers 2 thru 7 in place (see plan).
Make sure they are centered with the
stringers and the fuselage sides. Also
insure that they stand at 90 degrees from
the fuselage side.
39. Locate five 3/16” sq. stringers. Cut and
sand to fit in the notches of turtles 1 thru 7.
40. Starting with the top stringer, use thin CA
to glue each stringer in place. Use 5 min
epoxy to reinforce the stringers to turtle 7.
For a more finished look and increased
strength, you can also sheet the turtledeck with
1/16” balsa.
41. Install the flexible pushrods for the steering
and throttle cable at this time.
42. Now you are ready to install the fuel tank.
Assemble fuel tank and set tank into the
tank compartment. Determine necessary
foam padding to hold tank in the center so
that it will be even with the engine carbure-
tor. Run fuel lines through the firewall.
The fuel tank should have foam on the bot-
tom and sides to prevent fuel foaming and a poor
running engine.