54. Locate the two faring blocks (5/8” x 1” x 5-
7/8”). Place them on both sides of the
spacer and flush with the back of turtle 7.
Glue the blocks to turtle 7 ONLY. Sand to
match the contour of turtle 7 and the angle
of the stringers. These blocks will hold your
vertical and horizontal stab in place.
55. Once the blocks are sanded to shape,
remove and discard the spacer. The blocks
should now have a taper that matches the
stringer angle as shown in photo. Sand the
rear of the blocks to match the fuselage
56. Remove the 1/8” ply triangles and servo
plate from the laser cut sheet. Assemble
them as shown in the photo (use medium
CA). This assembly can be glued to the
fuselage side and used to mount your
throttle servo.