Thank you for purchasing a Skye Instruments External 1-Channel Voltage Amplifier. This amplifier's function is
to transform the current from one of Skye Instruments' unamplified sensors into a voltage output, scaled over
a desired range pre-determined at the time of ordering (e.g. 0
2V, 0
5V, etc.).
Our range of amplified sensors have the amplification built into the sensor housing, which is the ideal situation.
This is a product for those situations where this is not appropriate (for example, where there is a limitation on
sensor height) or the amplifier is retro fitted to the sensor. The cable between an unamplified sensor and an
amplifier should be as short as possible and fixed down firmly.
Please Note:
Please ensure that on replacing the lid that the wires or silica gel pack do not get trapped in the
sealing lip.