SerVice anD inStallation Manual
List and Trim angle
List and Trim angle
The list & trim angle sensor is installed on the
machine upper body to measure the machine level
in two axis. The two axis allow the system to
calculate the ground slope and the slope direction.
Those are then used to select the proper load
capacity charts.
2.7a Mounting instructions
1. The trim & list sensor must be installed on the
machine upper body with the trim axis parallel to
the centerline drawn through the boom hinge
- The list axis decal faces forwards
(towards the boom tip when the boom
angle is 0° to horizontal).
- The trim axis decal faces to the right.
- The sensor id number is on the top,
horizontally, with the antenna pointing up.
- The mounting surface should be flat and
known to be level (0°) in both the list and
trim axes.
2. Install the welding pads; keep the angle sensor
well removed from the weld site and any
connecting metal objects while welding.
3. Mount the angle sensor to the weld pads with
the screws and washers provided.
4. Verify list and trim angle indication in the
operation display. They should change as
shown in the picture.
For calibration, use one of the two procedures
Minimum and maximum limits for list and trim angle
are user adjustable in the display limit menu. The
display generates an alarm if the limits are
2.7b programming the lMS for list
and trim indication
The LMS should already be programed with the list
and trim sensors. If not, for list indication, add the
sensor ID number to the sensor list (menu
) and
select the sensor type “
List sensor
For trim indication, add the GS010-03 ID number to
the sensor list (menu
) and select the sensor type
Trim sensor
The maximum and minimum angles for list and trim
indication can be adjusted in the limit menu. The
default limits are 10.0° maximum and -10.0°
List (roll)
Trim (pitch)
Figure: list and trim axes
remove the angle sensor
from any connecting metal structures or
surfaces when welding the metal lugs to the
mounting surface. Proximity to welding may
cause permanent damage to the angle sensor
and prevent accurate angle indication.
Figure: Verify that list & trim values changes as shown above
SkyAzul, Equipment Solutions