DA 820 LPC • DA 820 • ECT 820 • DCT 820 Fans
Technical User Guide
Product and Documentation Changes
SKOV A/S reserves the right to change this document and the product herein described without further notice.
In case of doubt, please contact SKOV A/S.
The date of change appears from the front and back pages.
Notes concerning alarm systems
Breakdowns, malfunctions or faulty settings may cause substantial damage and financial losses when regulat-
ing and controlling the climate in a livestock house. It is therefore essential to install a separate, independent
alarm system that monitors the house climate concurrently with the climate and production controller. According
to EU-directive No. 98/58/EU, an alarm system must be installed in all mechanically ventilated houses.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the product liability clause of general terms and conditions
of sale and delivery specifies that an alarm system must be installed.
• All rights belong to SKOV A/S. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
the expressed written permission of SKOV A/S in each case.
• All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this manual.
Should any mistakes or imprecise information occur in spite of this, SKOV A/S would appreciate being noti-
fied thereof.
• Irrespective of the above, SKOV A/S shall not accept any liability with regard to loss or damage caused or
alleged to be caused by reliance on any information contained herein.
• Copyright by SKOV A/S.