DA 1700 dual actuator
Technical User Guide
3.2 Placement of wall fan
The wall fan must be placed in the livestock house according to the drawing supplied. Contact SKOV A/S in
case of significant deviation.
Check that all wall fans can be placed freely in relation to other housing equipment upon agreement with the
Place the insulation of the brickwork all the way in against the wall fan and all the way round (as in other build-
ing constructions). This way you prevent a cold bridge along the side of the wall fan from being formed.
3.3 Preparing hole in wall
3.3.1 Necessary space for wall fan without LPC motor controller
There must be a minimum of
space inside the live-
stock house for the wall fan.
There must be minimum of
of space including the
wall thickness outside the livestock house for the wall
Wall thickness
The recommended space in front of the cone is
Recommended installation height from floor is mini-
in order to ensure space for dung removal.
3.3.2 Necessary space for wall fan with LPC motor controller
There must be a minimum of
space inside the live-
stock house for the wall fan.
There must be minimum of
of space including the
wall thickness outside the livestock house for the wall
Wall thickness
The recommended space in front of the cone is
Recommended installation height from floor is mini-
in order to ensure space for dung removal.