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© SKF Group 2015
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PUB LS/I4 14137 EN.US
· January 2015 ·
Form 404633A
Bearings and
The Power of Knowledge Engineering
Combining products, people, and application-
specific knowledge, SKF delivers innovative
solutions to equipment manufacturers and pro-
duction facilities in every major industry world-
wide. Having expert ise in multiple competence
areas supports SKF Life Cycle Management, a
proven approach to improv ing equipment reliabil-
ity, optimizing operational and energy efficiency
and reducing total cost of ownership.
These competence areas include bearings and
units, seals, lubrication systems, mecha tronics,
and a wide range of services, from 3-D computer
modelling to cloud-based condition monitoring
and asset management services.
SKF’s global footprint provides SKF customers
with uniform quality standards and worldwide
product availability. Our local presence provides
direct access to the experience, knowledge and
ingenuity of SKF people.
SKF BeyondZero is more than our climate strategy
for a sustainable environment: it is our mantra; a
way of thinking, innovating and acting.
For us, SKF BeyondZero means that we will
reduce the negative environmental impact from
our own operations and at the same time, increase
the positive environmental contri bution by offering
our customers the SKF BeyondZero portfolio of
products and services with enhanced envir on-
mental performance characteristics.
For inclusion in the SKF BeyondZero portfolio,
a product, service or solution must deliver signifi-
cant environmental benefits without serious
envir onmental trade-offs.