Intended use
Remember that you are responsible for installing and using arc welding equipment in accordance with the manufactu-
rer's Manual. Read and follow the exis�ng and health and safety regula�ons and direc�ves related to the work
performed with a welding rec�fier! Remember to apply them during work and around people working within the device
opera�on area. The user should have qualifica�ons related to the welding method used when opera�ng this device.
Working environment: The environment in which the arc welding/cu�ng device is installed must be free from grinding
dust, corrosive chemicals, flammable gases or materials and with a maximum humidity of 80%.
• When used outdoors, protect the device from direct sunlight, rainwater, snow, etc.
• The temperature at which the device operates should be between -10°C and +40°C.
• Provide good ven�la�on and keep the equipment at least 30 cm from the wall to ensure adequate air flow to the fan
to dissipate the heat generated by the device during opera�on.
Ven�la�on is crucial for normal opera�on and service life of the device. If the device is used excessively, in an excess
temperature environment or in a poorly ven�lated room, the thermal overload switch will trip and the device will stop
working. In such a situa�on, leave the device turned on so that the running fan can lower the temperature of compo-
nents. The device will be ready for opera�on a�er reaching a safe temperature level.
• Opera�ng voltage: please refer to the table in the Manual and on the machine housing. Improper connec�on may
result in damage to accessories and power source. Each �me before connec�ng the device, check the technical condi�on
of its cables. The device with worn or cut (damaged) insula�on is not fit for use. In this case, replace the cables or
contact the manufacturer's service centre.
• The working area should be properly prepared to minimise the risk of hazard. Remove all flammable materials from
the working area, including tanks with liquids or flammable gases. The device should be in an easily accessible place for
ergonomic and safe opera�on.
• The equipment has been designed for work and transport in an upright posi�on. Improper use may cause damage to
the device.
• Make sure that the accessories and welding cables are connected to the appropriate sockets and secured against
unplugging. The sockets that remain disconnected should be closed with plugs. Do not connect handles or cables
incompa�ble with the device.
• The set of shielding gas cylinder (including cylinder, reducer, hose, terminals connec�ng the cylinders to the device)
should be checked for �ghtness to eliminate any leaks. The cylinder should be located in the corner of the room or in a
place adapted to store it, so that the cylinder can be blocked to prevent �pping over.
• It is prohibited to move the device by pulling it by working cables or power cord, and any damage caused in this way is
not covered by warranty. To move the device, use the handles and grips intended for this purpose.
• Place the cables flat on the floor, avoid loops. Do not move cables over other cables and avoid pulling wires through
passageways or transport routes.
Do not repair or modify the device on your own. In order to protect the user as much as possible and avoid the risk of
damage to the equipment, repairs and modifica�ons may be carried out only by qualified and authorised persons
(manufacturer's service staff). Unauthorized interference with the equipment will void the warranty!
Class B equipment:
Class B equipment is suitable for use in all loca�ons, including residen�al loca�ons where electrical
power is supplied by a public low-voltage power supply grid.