1. Welding method selec�on:
• MMA – metal arc welding using a coated electrode,
• TIG HF – tungsten inert gas welding using a non-consumable electrode.
2. Func�on knob for selec�ng current [A], gas flow �me [s], current up slope/down slope �me [s], pulse frequency [Hz]
and pulse cycle [%].
3. Func�on bu�on:
• VRD – voltage reduc�on device,
• 2T – two touch welding. To start and ignite the arc, press the bu�on on the welding gun and hold it during welding;
releasing the bu�on will ex�nguish the welding arc.
• 4T – four touch welding; to start the arc, press the bu�on on the welding gun and then release it. The arc will be
maintained. To ex�nguish the welding arc, press the bu�on again and release it.
4. No�fica�on display for showing the parameter se�ngs data and errors.
5. The display showing the set parameters works in combina�on with the no�fica�on LEDs; see point 10
6. Welding mode selec�on:
• DC welding,
• AC/DC welding.
7. Adjustment of welding parameters. Select the parameter with the (MENU) bu�on, then set it within the relevant
range with knob 2:
• Pre Flow(GAS)[s] – gas flow before arc igni�on,
• Start Current[A] – welding start current, which goes up linearly for the �me set with Up Slope[s] and reaches Peak
Current[A],*Duty[%] – pulse balance between AC and DC,
• Pulse Frequency[Hz] – frequency of current transi�on from AC to DC in rela�on to 1 [s].
• Base Current [A] – base current in DC; lower current in AC/DC method.
• Down Slope [s] – ex�nguishing for the set �me, from the base current to the current set in Crater Current [A]. The
current in which the material is ex�nguished and cooled to prevent any welding inconsistency.
• Post Flow(GAS)[S] – gas flow a�er welding.
• Press and hold the bu�on for 5[s] and then release it to return to factory se�ngs. This can fix problems related to the
device system.
8. Selec�on of DC or AC (pulse) welding.
9. Selec�on of waveform for AC/DC welding.
10. No�fica�on LEDs.