VersaTRAK RTU User M anual
Page 21 of 31
Last Revised: 05/23/02
Box 767
Clifton Park, NY 12065 USA
+1 (518) 877-5173
FAX +1 (518) 877-8346
Plant Floor
Port Wiring
All VersaTRAK and Mini-VersaTRAK RTUs have a Plant Floor RS232 port to service
external commands. The Plant Floor port has a maximum baud rate of 38,400. It supports
either Modbus or
Universal protocols. This port is intended to provide a
connection for your laptop computer running
Windows software tools.
Sample cable connections to the Plant Floor port are shown below. Pinouts for the optional
ST-CABLE-PF (factory cable) are also shown.
Cable from Com puter to User, Main
or Plant Floor RS232 Port Using
Hardw are Handshaking
Cable from Com puter to User, Main
or Plant Floor RS232 Port Using
Softw are Handshaking
Cable from Hayes Modem to User, Main
or Plant Floor RS232 Port Using
Hardw are Handshaking
Plant Floor Port Cable Wiring