USER´S MANUAL – Sitmed Equipamentos Médicos Ltda
To put the cot in Trendelenburg position, pull up the lever (B) located at the front side of the cot and press the edge forcing to low down (C).
For the RCP position you must activate the both systems. First pull the lever (2) then pull the lever (B) and press the edge forcing to low
All possible positions using the Level Up II:
The Level UpII also has the Med Rac as accessory. The Med Rac are used as support for devices such as: Monitors, infusion pumps,
desfibrilators and others up to 30Kg. To use your Med Rac you must open the side bases (A), loosening all gauntlets (B) in both sides.
Open the bases until the end and tight the gauntlets. At this moment your Med Rac will look as a table (C). To fasten the equipment on the
Med Rac, use the velcro straps (D), adjusting as necessary in the base holes.
The RCP position it´s a static position just for emergency situation, you can´t move the cot while is it in this position. To move
the cot you must back to the regular position.