This manual is the property of SISER S.r.l., any even partial reproduction is forbidden
Mod. PRD 22 rev.2 - last updating: 01/2015
4. Operating the Transfer Press
This transfer press can be used for transferring thermically weldable materials onto any kind of textiles.
Not more than one person may operate the press at a time. Avoid exceeding the specified maximum
temperature when operating the press.
Siser is not liable for faults, accidents, damages, losses etc. resulting from not following the instructions in this
Note: It is strictly forbidden to operate or mount this transfer press contrary to the directions made in this
5. Safety Regulations
Before operating the transfer press, the operator must have fully understood the handling and function of the
electric components of this transfer press and must have read and grasped all information provided in this
NOTE: There is the risk of getting burned if you touch the heating plates during operation. We strongly
advise the operator to wear protective gloves providing protection up to a temperature of 250° C.
Avoid to touch the heating plates of the transfer press during operation and for a period of 15 minutes after the
press has been switched off, as the operating temperature of the press is very high. Please also avoid to touch
the lower supporting plates when closing the press or printing the textile, as these operations involve a risk of
getting squashed and burned.
Any kind of maintenance and / or repair work on the transfer press must only be performed after the
heating plate has been switched off and has cooled down to ambient temperature.
Do not use the transfer press in a humid or wet environment. Before swapping the heating plates, switch off
the unit and allow it to cool down to ambient temperature.
To not perform any transfers to textiles containing solvents, flammable liquids, gaseous or liquid fuels.
Unauthorised changes of the unit or the replacement of parts without consent of Siser srl
are prohibited.
Siser srl
is not liable for damages, losses, injuries or consequential damages resulting from
acts, changes or other use of the transfer press not authorised by a prior written consent from
Siser srl.
All mounting, maintenance and repair work must be performed only by skilled and specially trained electricians.
It is strictly prohibited to remove or manipulate any kind of safety appliances.
The working area must be clean, tidy and free of any obstacles for manoeuvring the heat transfer press.
All general instructions for operation and all safety instructions must be strictly followed to avoid any
injuries that might result from the use of this transfer press and to ensure a successful utilisation of
the press.