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Collets, nuts and related equipment in poor shape or not the proper ones for the wheel or tool used can cause wheels to malfunction. 

Cutting bits not properly tightened can spin off.

Be certain that all collets, nuts and related equipment are in good shape, the proper ones for the type and size of cutting bit 

being used, and are securely fastened. Tighten collet securely. Match accessory shaft diameter to collet.

Cutting bits that malfunction and spin off can cause injury.

Air hoses can come loose from power tools and whip.

Inspect and do not use tools with loose or damaged air hoses or fittings.

Whipping air hoses can cause injury.

Air hoses that are not oil resistant or are not rated for the working pressure can burst.

Make sure that all air hoses are oil resistant and rated for the working pressure.

Air hoses that burst can cause injury.

Tools not operated at proper air pressure can operate erratically.

Do not exceed a maximum air pressure of 90 psig/6.2 bar or as stated on the tool’s nameplate or operating instructions. Use an 

air regulator to maintain proper air pressure.

Erratic operation in power tools can cause injury.

Improperly repaired tools perform unpredictably.

Repair tools at an Authorized Sioux Service Center.

Tools that perform unpredictably can cause injury.

Tools left connected to the air supply can start unexpectedly.

Always remove tool from air supply and activate trigger to bleed air line before making any adjustments, changing accessories, 

or doing any maintenance or service on tool. Make it a habit to check to see that all adjusting keys and wrenches have been 

removed from tool before turning it on.

Tools starting unexpectedly and flying keys and wrenches can cause injury.

Working in poorly lit areas makes it hard to see hazards.

Keep work area well lit.

Poorly lit work areas can cause injury.

Children are attracted to work areas.

Keep children away. All visitors must keep a safe distance away from work area.

Children in work areas can be injured.

Unauthorized or untrained personnel can misuse unattended tools.

Store idle tools in a dry, high or locked-up place, out of the reach of children.

Misused tools can cause injury.

Tools with the actuator left in the “ON” position when an unexpected air pressure loss occurs can start unexpectedly when the air 

pressure is restored.

Release the actuator if an unexpected loss of air pressure occurs.

Unexpected tool starts can cause injury.

Routers  with the actuator left in the “on” position can cause unexpected starts when the tool is connected to the air supply.

Be sure actuator is off before hooking up air.

Unexpected starts can cause injury.

Routers may coast for a short time after the trigger is released.

Be sure tool has come to a complete stop before setting it aside.

Grinders that do not come to a complete stop before setting aside can cause injury.

The use of any accessory with this tool not provided or specified by Sioux Tools can perform unpredictably.

Use only accessories provided or specified by Sioux Tools.

Tools that perform unpredictably can cause injury.

When disposing of a tool, do it in a way that does not harm personnel or the environment.


The efficiency and life of this tool depend on the proper supply of clean, dry air at a maximum of 90 PSI. The use of an air line filter, pressure regulator, 

and lubricator is recommended.
Before connecting to tools, blow out the air line to remove water and dirt that may have accumulated.


The air supply hose recommended is 3/8” (10mm) I.D. If an extension hose is necessary, use 1/2” (13mm) ID hose with couplings not less than 3/8” 

(10mm) I.D.


All models may operate without airline lubrication. However, operating the tool without airline lubrication may reduce tool performance and vane life. 
If an airline lubrication is not used, it is recommended that the tool be oiled daily before use to improve performance. Add 2-4 drops of air motor oil and 

run the tool for 10-20 seconds to distribute oil through the tool.
For maximum performance and tool life, an air line lubricator, set to deliver 2 drops per minute, is recommended.  SIOUX No. 288 Air Motor Oil is rec-



Water, dust and other airline contaminants can cause rust and vane sticking. For long periods between tool use, flush the tool with a few drops of oil 

and run for 10 seconds. This will help remove contaminants and reduce the formation of rust.


The tool is equipped with a locking type lever in order to prevent accidental start-up.
Speed of the tool may be adjusted by turning the regulator, which is located opposite the throttle lever.


Disconnect tool from air supply before installing or removing wheel or making any adjustments

Summary of Contents for SRT10S SERIES

Page 1: ...ngled with the tool Entanglements can cause injuries Routing operations creates dust Do not breathe grinding dust Use approved mask Breathing grinding dust can cause injury This tool is not insulated for contact with electric power sources Do not use near live electric circuits When drilling into walls be aware that they may have hidden electric wires Electric shock can cause injury This tool is n...

Page 2: can start unexpectedly when the air pressure is restored Release the actuator if an unexpected loss of air pressure occurs Unexpected tool starts can cause injury Routers with the actuator left in the on position can cause unexpected starts when the tool is connected to the air supply Be sure actuator is off before hooking up air Unexpected starts can cause injury Routers may coast for a short ...

Page 3: by loosening the lock nut and rotating the nose DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We Sioux Tools Inc 250 Snap on Drive P O Box 1596 Murphy NC 28906 USA declare under our sole responsibility that the products SRT10S to which this declaration relates are in conformity with the following standard or standards or other normative document or documents EN 792 EN 292 Parts 1 2 ISO 8662 Pneurop PN8NTC1 followi...

Page 4: ...führen Dieses Werkzeug ist nicht für die Verwendung in einer feuergefährlichen oder explosionsgefährdeten Umgebung vorgesehen Benutzen Sie diesesWerkzeug nicht in flammbarer oder explosiver Umgebung Explosionen und Brand können zu Verletzungen führen Mit zu hoher Drehzahl betriebene Schneidaufsätze können bersten Überprüfen Sie die Geschwindigkeitsleistung des Zubehörs oder die Geschwindigkeit die...

Page 5: ...ckenen und hoch gelegenen oder verschlossenen Ort außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern auf Falsch angewendete Werkzeuge können Verletzungen verursachen Werkzeuge können unerwartet starten wenn der Schalter auf EIN steht und ein plötzlicher Druckverlust auftritt Lösen Sie den Schalter bei plötzlichem Druckverlust Plötzlich startende Werkzeuge können zu Verletzungen führen Eine Fräse bei der der Fin...

Page 6: ...ieder an JUSTIERUNGEN 1 Die Grundplatte kann möglicherweise justiert werden um die gewünschte Länge der Schneidleiste freizulegen indem die Sicherungsmutter gelöst und die Nase gedreht wird KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG Wir Sioux Tools Inc 250 Snap on Drive P O Box 1596 Murphy NC 28906 USA erklären hiermit alleinverantwortlich daß die Produkte SRT10S auf die sich diese Erklärung bezieht mit den Anforderun...

Page 7: ...erramienta no debe usarse en un ambiente potencialmente inflamable o explosivo No utilice esta herramienta en un ambiente inflamable o explosivo Explosiones e incendios pueden producir lesiones Las fresas pueden explotar si se operan a demasiada velocidad Verifique el régimen de velocidad del accesorio o la velocidad impresa en la muela Esta velocidad debe mayor que la velocidad del plato del esme...

Page 8: ...o bajo llave donde no las puedan alcanzar los niños El uso incorrecto de una herramienta puede resultar en un accidente físico Las herramientas con el accionador en la posición ON encendido cuando ocurre una pérdida de presión inesperada pueden comenzar a funcionar inesperadamente cuando se restablece la presión de aire Suelte el accionador si ocurre una pérdida de presión de aire ocurre Las herra...

Page 9: muela o de hacer algún ajuste OPERACIÓN La herramienta tiene una palanca de bloqueo para que no se pueda arrancar accidentalmente el motor La velocidad de la herramienta se puede ajustar con el regulador que está en el lado opuesto de la palanca reguladora INFORMACION GENERAL Para mejores resultados la dirección en que debe correr la herramienta es generalmente de izquierda a derecha En las cur...

Page 10: si trapana una parete prestare attenzione all eventuale presenza di cavi elettrici nascosti Le scosse elettriche possono provocare lesioni Questo strumento non è previsto per l uso in un atmosfera infiammabile o esplosiva Non utilizzare questo strumento in presenza di prodotti infiammabili o esplosivi Le esplosioni e gli incendi possono causare lesioni Punte di taglio che girano a velocità ecce...

Page 11: ...ave fuori della portata dei bambini Strumenti utilizzati in modo diverso dal previsto possono causare lesioni Gli strumenti con il dispositivo di azionamento lasciato nella posizione di attivato quando si verifica una perdita imprevista di pressione dell aria possono avviarsi improvvisamente al ripristino della pressione Rilasciare il dispositivo di azionamento se si verifica un imprevista perdita...

Page 12: USO Lo strumento è dotato di una leva a blocco per evitare l accensione accidentale La velocità dello strumento può essere regolata ruotando il regolatore che si trova di fronte alla leva della valvola a farfalla USO GENERALE Per i migliori risultati la direzione di lavoro dell attrezzo dovrebbe generalmente essere da sinistra verso destra Si raccomanda che il movimento di rotazione sia antiora...

Page 13: ...t entraîner des blessures Cet outil n est pas prévu pour être utilisé dans une athmosphère inflammable ou explosive Ne pas utiliser dans une atmosphère inflammable ou explosible Les explosions et le feu peuvent provoquer des blessures Une fraise soumise à des surrégimes peuvent imploser Vérifier la vitesse de rotation de l accessoire ou celle inscrite sur la meule Cette vitesse doit être supérieur...

Page 14: ...nce Remiser les outils non utilisés dans un endroit sec en hauteur ou sous clef et hors de portée des enfants Des outils utilisés de manière non conforme peuvent causer des blessures Si la commande est sur MARCHE et qu il se produit une perte de pression inopinée l outil peut démarrer lorsque pression est rétablie Relâcher la commande en cas de perte de pression inopinée Le démarrage accidentel d ...

Page 15: ...t d installer ou de démonter une meule ou d effectuer tout réglage UTILISATION L outil est muni d une gâchette verrouillée pour éviter un démarrage accidentel La vitesse de l outil s ajuste en tournant le régulateur situé à l opposé de la gâchette FONCTIONNEMENT En règle générale les meilleurs résultats seront obtenus en déplaçant l outil de la gauche vers la droite Sur les surfaces convexes il es...

Page 16: ...cuits Denk er bij het boren in muren om dat er in de muur elektrische bedrading kan lopen Elektrische schokken kunnen letsel veroorzaken Dit gereedschap is niet bestemd voor gebruik in een ontvlambare of explosieve omgeving Gebruik dit gereedschap niet in de buurt van ontvlambare of explosieve stoffen Explosies en vuur kunnen letsel veroorzaken Te snel draaiende snijbeitels kunnen exploderen Contr...

Page 17: ...t gereedschap kan letsel veroorzaken Als bij onverwacht luchtdrukverlies de aan uit knop van de boor op AAN blijft staan kan de boor onverwacht starten als de luchtdruk is hersteld Zet de aan uit hendel op uit bij onverwacht verlies van luchtdruk Boren die onverwacht starten kunnen letsel veroorzaken Groefschaven met de aandrijver in de on stand kunnen onverwachts starten wanneer het werktuig is a...

Page 18: ...reedschap los van de luchttoevoer voordat u de schijf installeert of verwijdert of enige wijzigingen aanbrengt GEBRUIK Het gereedschap is uitgerust met een vergrendelend hendel om onbedoeld starten te voorkomen De snelheid van het gereedschap kan worden geregeld door aan de regelaar te draaien die zich tegenover de gashendel bevindt BEDIENING ALGEMEEN Voor de beste resultaten laat u de machine van...

Page 19: ...rar för snabbt kan explodera Kontrollera hastighetsklassificeringen på tillbehöret eller den hastighet som är tryckt på skivan Denna hastighet måste vara högre än hastigheten som är angiven på slipmaskinens namnplåt och slipmaskinens faktiska hastighet som mätt med takometer Överskrid inte klassificeringen för driftslufttryck Skivor som exploderar kan förorsaka kroppsskada eller dödsfall Överfräsa...

Page 20: ...rseln Se till att manövreringsorganet är av innan du kopplar in luft Oförutsedd start kan förorsaka kroppsskada Överfräsar kan fortsätta att snurra efter det att avtryckaren släpps Se till att maskinen har stannat helt innan du lägger den åt sidan Slipmaskiner som inte har stannat helt innan de sätts åt sidan kan förorsaka kroppsskada Om du använder tillbehör med detta verktyg som ej tillhandahåll...

Page 21: ...on Katalog nr dBA dBA m s2 SRT10S 77 7 89 3 Mindre än 2 5 enligt PN8NTC1 enligt PN8NTC1 enligt ISO 8662 LJUD OCH VIBRATIONSAVLÄSNINGAR ANVÄNDNING För att få bästa resultat för man i allmänhet verktyget från vänster till höger Vi rekommenderar att man för verktyget moturs för utvändiga kurvor och medurs för invändiga kurvor Verktygets spindel roterar medurs HUR MAN BYTER KAPARSKÄR 1 Koppla bort luf...

Page 22: Pin 1 8 X 7 8 Type E 10 74016 Muffler 11 04222 O Ring 1 16 X 1 5 16 X 1 7 16 F Exhaust 12 SDG 4 Exhaust Deflector 13 74008 Throttle Valve Seat 14 74009 Throttle Valve 15 74010 Taper Spring 16 74011 Screen 17 14281B O Ring 1 16 X 5 8 X 3 4 18 74012 Inlet Bushing NOT SHOWN 74058 Comb Wrench 9 16 X 3 4 2 74051 Warning Label Fig Part No No Description Order Quantity As Required FURNISH CATALOG SERI...

Page 23: ...TALOG SERIAL AND MODEL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING PARTS 1 10257 Ball Bearing 3 8 X 7 8 X 9 32 2 SDG 3 Front End Plate 3 74026 Rotor 5 Slot 4 SP74048 Vane Set 5 74030 Cylinder 25 000 RPM 74031 Cylinder 18 000 RPM 6 74023 Rear End Plate 7 41338 Wave Washer 440 X 618 X 008 8 10253 Ball Bearing 9 74054 Washer 251 X 468 X 063 10 74055 Screw 8 32 X 3 8 But Hd Cap Not Shown SDG M25 Drop in Motor 25 000 RPM SDG...

Page 24: ...r Head Includes Figs 1 9 1996 Ass y 3 Router Head with Base Includes Figs 1 4 11 Fig Part No No Description See chart Min Bit Length 1 85 B P P Desired bit protrusion SIOUX PART NUMBER A B C D 68613 12 3 8 1 4 3 4 9 32 68613 14 3 8 3 8 3 4 9 32 68613 16 3 8 1 2 3 4 9 32 68613 22 3 8 1 8 1 1 2 9 32 68613 24 3 8 1 4 1 1 2 9 32 68613 26 3 8 3 8 1 1 2 9 32 68613 40 7 16 1 4 3 4 21 64 68613 42 7 16 3 8...

Page 25: Knob Includes Figure 10 12 04054 Locking Knob Includes Figure 13 13 25069 Washer 14 04053 Aligner Knob 15 35234 Washer 16 11601B Guide Support 17 10927 Ball Bearing 18 30179 Roll Pin 19 64119 Adjusting Guide Includes Figures 17 18 20 20 08006 Soc Hd Cup Pt Set Screw 21 64120B Adjusting Knob 22 14108 Protector Cover 23 54233B Router Base 24 14103 Locking Plug 25 08236 Thumb Screw Not Shown 63562...

Page 26: ...segatura smerigliatura trapanatura con attrezzi elettrici e simili attività può contenere sostanze chimiche che causano cancro difetti congeniti o altri danni all apparato riproduttivo AVERTISSEMENT Les poussières produites par les travaux de ponçage sciage meulage perçage et autres activités du bâtiment contiennent des substances chimiques aux propriétés réputées pour provoquer le cancer des malf...

