We know from numerous conversations that the people
who buy our watches do so out of conviction. This includes
people with a pronounced affinity to technology who are
fascinated, for example, by the solutions we have devised
for protection from magnetic fields and scratch resistance.
Some of our customers, such as divers, pilots and the
German GSG 9 special police unit, rely on their watches in
their respective careers because their lives depend on it.
They all swear by the performance, resilience and
durability, as well as the quality and precision of our
watches. That is why the world’s largest classification
society DNV GL (formerly Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg)
regularly tests and certifies the water and pressure
resistance of our diving watches.
Selected pilot watches are tested and certified by
independent institutions according to the DIN 8330
Horology – Aviator watches in an extensive and complex
type and unit verification process. This ensures that a
DIN 8330-compliant pilot watch is a suitable all-round
replacement for the on-board timekeeping instruments
available to pilots. Functionality is our top priority and
ultimately determines the design. Only the technical
features that are really needed can be found on our
watches. Because we believe that products have to speak
for themselves.
The basic question that we ask ourselves is: which
innovative technologies and materials can be employed
for our craft and provide solutions for rendering our
watches even more practical for everyday use? It is often
worth indulging in a little lateral thinking to see what is
going on in other industrial sectors or fields of science.
We repeatedly go to the limits of physical resources to
upgrade our watches – with the aim of making what’s
good even better. Most of our best developments are yet
to come!
I am delighted that you have decided to buy a SINN
timepiece and hope that it will continue to give you
pleasure for many years to come.
Yours sincerely,
Lothar Schmidt