tant. However, if the antenna is not vertical when transmitting,
the beam will be angled either too high or too low (Fig 7.15) -
Instruction Manual
Part No. E04297
Fig 7.16 - Effect of heel on range of 1m marine antenna
Fig 7.15 - Effect of heel on range of longer whip antenna
Here the wider beam of the shorter antenna will be more uni-
versally effective, although the signal will be weaker (Fig 7.16) -
Therefore vessels with a large heel angle (small sailboats)
would be better choosing a short masthead antenna. Your
local agent should be able to provide specific advice on anten-
na choice for the vessel it is to be fitted to.
The antenna coaxial cable and any connectors used must be
rated at 50
. Under no circumstances should standard domestic
TV cable and connectors be used. Incorrectly rated cabling and
connectors could result in power not reaching the antenna, but
also power could be reflected back into the radio, damaging it
in the process.
The quality of any connections and integrity of the cable (with-
out breaks in the sheathing) will directly affect the performance
of the radio. Poor soldering or corrosion of the terminals can
impair performance. We recommend that screw or crimp ter-
minal type connectors are not used for any through deck fit-
tings - a good quality waterproof solder terminal connector will
be less susceptible to poor connection due to corrosion of the