1.4 Entering MMSI numbers
At the time of issue of your vessel’s radio license, an MMSI
(Maritime Mobile Service Identifier) must be requested. This is
a nine digit number which must be permanently entered into
the RS87 when the radio is first set up, otherwise the DSC
functions cannot be accessed.
If the boat or the RS87 are subsequently sold, the radio must
be returned to an authorised Simrad agent for the MMSI num-
ber to be erased and the new owner’s MMSI number entered.
For European leisure vessels fitted with VHF DSC equipment, a
CEPT Short Range Certificate is required by the operator.
Additional requirements, such as GOC or ROC may apply to
operators on commercial vessels. Please enquire with your
local licensing authority for full details.
Refer to section 3.2.1 to enter the vessel’s MMSI number.
1.5 Group ID MMSI
For boats that are part of a flotilla, racing fleet or other group, a
Group ID MMSI number can also be entered which will allow
DSC communication within the group. Refer to section 3.2.3 to
enter a Group MMSI number.
Instruction Manual
Part No. E04297