Simrad ES60
ES60/C05 - AC power to computer
This normally a standard power cable, and it is provided with
the computer. Ensure that the computer is set up to match the
AC voltage you have available. Most computers will however
operate on 115 Vac, 230 Vac or both.
ES60 Marine Computer
is provided with a separate power
Cable details:
230 Vac power cable
on page 50.
ES60/C06 - AC power to the display
This normally a standard power cable, and it is provided with
the display. Ensure that the display is set up to match the AC
voltage you have available. Most displays will however operate
on 115 Vac, 230 Vac or both.
Cable details:
230 Vac power cable
on page 50.
Note that some older display types may be
tted with a separate
power supply.
ES60/C07 - Serial interface lines (RS-232)
Serial interfaces are used to connect the ES60 Fish
nding echo
sounder to other
nding or navigation systems. All serial
interface cables must be provided by the installation shipyard. If
more than one serial cable is used, add the characters “A”, “B”
to “n” to the cable identi
Cable details:
Generic RS-232 Serial line cable
on page 47
Cable between ITI and echo sounder
on page 64
Cable between PI44/54 and echo sounder
on page 65
Cable between PI30/32 and echo sounder
on page 66
Cable between SH/SP sonar and echo sounder
on page 67
Additional information:
About NMEA interfaces and telegrams
on page 83
Trawl system interface
on page 87
Catch monitoring system interface
on page 88
Navigation system interface
on page 90
Heave sensor interface
on page 90
Sonar system interface
on page 92
Depth interface
on page 94