Recommended Spray Techniques
Distance from Substrate.
When applying Simalfa the spray gun should be held at a
distance between 6”-10” (15cm - 25cm) from the substrate.
Pattern Width.
Keep it narrow. A narrow spray pattern gives greater control
over where the adhesive is applied. Wide spray patterns create
waste, mess and overspray.
Angle to Substrate.
Spray Simalfa directly at the substrate, not across or on an
angle. This will insure the most economical application and
reduce any potential for overspray.
The user should have a sweeping motion left to right and
right to left. A single pass of a light even coverage should be
sufficient. A short pulsating technique will waste adhesive and
cause inconsistencies in the final bond.
Application amount is determined by the handling strength
required during the production process and/or the complexity
of the application itself. Simalfa can be sprayed lighter on
easier applications or heavier on more difficult applications. It
is important not to over-apply Simalfa as this creates waste.
Recommended Tips Documents
Better Manual Spraying
Understanding Overspray
S E T U P + U S E