S E T U P + U S E
Spray Gun Co Inputs
A. Pattern Width Control
This knob controls how Simalfa will come out of the gun. As the knob is
threaded into the gun (tightened), the fan pattern will narrow. As the
knob is unthreaded (loosened), the fan pattern will become wider. It is
important to note that as the fan pattern becomes wider, the air pressure
must also increase to accommodate this.
B. Fluid Knob
This knob controls how much glue will come out of the gun with a full trigger squeeze. As the
knob is threaded into the gun (tightened), the maximum adhesive amount is reduced. As the knob is
unthreaded (loosened), the maximum adhesive amount is increased. A simple rule: less threads = less adhesive,
more threads = more adhesive.
C. Atomization Air Regulator
This is where the atomization air pressure can be adjusted. Turning clockwise decreases atomization air while
turning counter clockwise increases atomization air. However, it is recommended that a wall regulator be installed
for each spray gun to limit the maximum air pressure at the spray gun. Most shop air pressure can be 100+ psi and
that is too high for proper use of an HVLP spray gun.
D. Atomization Air Input
This is where the atomization airline is attached. We suggest using both the atomization air regulator contained
within the Simalfa spray gun and a wall regulator to insure proper atomization. Learn about setting the proper
atomization air in the next section titled “Setting Atomization Air Pressure”.
E. Trigger
Controls the amount of adhesive exiting the spray gun. It’s similar to a gas pedal on a car, the further you pull the
trigger the more adhesive exiting the spray gun.
F. Adhesive Input
This is where the fluid hose is attached. 1/2” PVC Fluid Hose and Stainless Steel connectors required.
G. Adhesive Exit Point
This is where the adhesive will exit the spray gun. At this point, all settings such as adhesive volume, pattern width,
atomization pressures come together for application.