Parts of a WebFORCE Internet Gateway
Information Your ISP May Require
Table 1-1 describes some of the general information your ISP may require.
Table 1-1
General Information Your ISP May Require
Type of Information
Name of gateway
machine (server)
Whatever you decide to name the machine, for example, the name of
your company or organization. Typically, it is a good idea to keep the
name short, easy to type, and easy to remember.
Type of machine
Server type, for example Silicon Graphics Origin 200 server.
Type operating system
Ethernet address
Unique for each system on a network; the Ethernet address of your
server is the same as the serial number of the machine. Both are
imprinted on the rear of the machine and printed on the shipping
label for the server. One example is 08:00:69:08:19:24. You can also
find the Ethernet address of the system once it is booted by entering
the following command at a shell prompt: nvram eaddr.
Maximum baud rate for
your modem (if you are
using a modem)
The maximum speed at which your modem can communicate with
the ISP, often 14.4 Kbaud or 28.8 Kbaud.