IP address
A number that identifies a computer on a TCP/IP network. An IP address is made up of
four numbers separated by decimal points, such as Each individual number
can be between 0 and 255 (with some exceptions, for example, for reserved IP addresses).
local area network (LAN)
A network of computers local to an organization, typically high speed (such as 10 Base-T
Ethernet, FDDI, Token Ring, and so forth), and typically in close proximity.
See also
system console
A character (ASCII) terminal or other computer that is used to communicate with a
workstation or server to set up the system, perform system maintenance, operate the
system in PROM mode, and display system error messages.
See also
system console port.
system console port
The serial port to which a system console is attached. On Silicon Graphics workstations
and servers, this is the first serial port (port
Transmission control protocol used with the internet protocol. See
transmission control
transmission control protocol
A networking standard, typically used with the Internet Protocol (IP) standard. It forms
the basis of an internet as well as the Internet.
See also
internet protocol.
wide area network (WAN)
A network of computers spanning a wider geographic area than a local area network,
and typically using communication technologies designed for longer distances, such as
microwave relay and leased (telephone) lines.