About This Guide
Finding More Information
Information about Silicon Graphics hardware and software is available from a variety of
sources, including printed documentation, online documentation (including manuals
that you can view with the IRIS InSight viewer and online reference pages), and
documents available via the World Wide Web. Consult the InfoSearch tool (refer to the
infosearch(1) reference page) and your server owner’s guide for a list of available
Conventions Used in This Guide
WebFORCE Internet Gateway Installation Guide
uses these conventions:
References to documents are in
References to other chapters and sections within this guide are in quotation marks.
References to commands that you can enter at the shell prompt are in
Input that you type literally is in
. For example: “To log in as root, type
Names of IRIX reference (manual) pages are in the default font and are followed by
the section number of the reference page. For example “who(1)” refers to the
command, which is found in section 1 of the IRIX reference.
Steps to perform tasks are in numbered sentences. When a numbered step needs
more explanation, the explanation follows the step and is preceded by a square