Radio System, 5-channels, with seven (7) servos
Appropriate servo extensions and Y-harnesses (see Radio
Systems section below)
After-Market Battery Pack - 1100 mah (optional, see Radio
Systems section below)
Engine - See Engine Selection section below
Propeller to suit engine of choice
Engine Mounting Hardware:
4 each 8-32 x 1" Steel Socket Head bolts
4 each 8-32 Lock Nuts
4 each #8 Flat Washers
Optional Fueling System - Du-Bro #334 Kwik-Fill Fueling Valve
shown in manual
Optional Glow Driver system (as shown in this manual)
1/4" thick foam rubber for installing receiver and battery pack
Plastic Zip-Ties - used to organize and secure internal
components and wiring
Thread Locking Compound - such as Loctite
Non-permanent "Blue"
30-Minute Epoxy - SIG 2-Part Epoxy Glue
5-Minute Epoxy - SIG Kwik-Set Epoxy Glue
CA Glue - SIG Thin, Thick, and SIG Accelerator
White Glue, such as SIG Super Weld Liquid Resin Glue
3/8" Dia. Heat Shrink Tubing to secure servo extension
A selection of appropriate tools and materials, such as:
Electric Drill
Tool with assorted bits
Safety Glasses
A selection of drill bits and/or a drill index set
Assorted sizes of both Phillips and regular screwdrivers
Assorted hex wrenches & ball drivers (2 mm and 9/64” required
for assembly)
Soldering Iron & solder - optional, used for Glow Driver system
Hobby knife with #11 blades
Fine CA Applicator Tips
Masking Tape
Scrap plywood sheet
Sandpaper - #220 is sufficient
The SIG Waco SRE ARF model requires 5 channels to control the
ailerons, elevators, rudder, throttle and flaps, using a total of seven
(7) standard servos. Also, we chose to replace the typical 500 –
600maH airborne NiCad battery pack for a larger after-market
1100maH pack. We used this larger capacity pack in consideration
of the fact that it powers the receiver along with seven servos. We
suggest that you do the same thing with your own radio installation
in this model.
Many transmitters have toggle switches to activate the flap
channel. These are typically two or three position switches that
can input pre-set flap angles upon activation. While this works fine
we much prefer a rheostat type knob that allows us to roll in as
much or as little flap input as needed for the wind conditions
during any given flight. So we chose to use a Hitec Eclipse 7
QPCM transmitter that has this feature.
In addition, this Hitec
transmitter also provides any number of mixing functions, as well
as exponential, end-point adjustments, sub-trims, etc. The use of
a computer radio system such as this saves a huge amount of time
and effort in the correct set-up and flight trimming of this or any
As shown in this assembly manual, we chose to use an
aftermarket on/off switch assembly that provides the capability to
charge the airborne battery pack externally. The switch we chose
was the Maxx Products #3470 Charge/Switch product. This unit
has proven to be very reliable and very convenient in terms of
Another Maxx Products item that we chose to use in our own Waco
models was the "Super Glow DLX" glow driver system, Maxx
Products P/N 9900DX. This system is programmable through your
radio system and keeps the glow plug lit at any pre-set throttle stick
location of your choosing. In addition, with this unit installed in the
Waco, there is no longer the need for a separate glow driver for
starting the engine. The Super Glow DLX system is quite light and
relatively easy to install. Based on our experience with this nifty
little system, we can highly recommend its use in your own Waco.
Of course, the use of this product is not a requirement and is only
offered as an option.
In addition to the above, you will also need the following items for
the radio installation:
2 each
6” Servo Extensions for aileron Y-Harness
2 each
12” Servo Extensions for the aileron servos
1 each
24” Servo Extension for the elevator servo
1 each
Standard Y-Harness for the ailerons
1 each
Servo Reversing Y-Harness for the flap servos
(Maxx Products "Miracle Y" or equivalent)
The SIG Waco SRE ARF model is designed to be powered by glow
engines in the following types and size ranges:
4-Stroke Engines: .90 - 1.20
2-Stroke Engines: .75 - .90
We prefer the use of 4-stroke engines for this particular model
simply because they sound great, allow the use of larger
propellers, typically use more manageable muffler sizes and are
very much in keeping with the model itself.
However, this is
strictly our opinion and your own choice of engine type is up to you.
Carefully note that the SIG Waco SRE ARF model has a great deal
of wing area and therefore, a relatively light ready-to-fly wing
loading. This means that the airplane is not going to necessarily
fly "better" by being over-powered. We urge you to resist the
temptation to install larger engine sizes than those recommended
above. All this will accomplish is to make your installation more
difficult and potentially cause undue stress and strain on the