assembly is black, it becomes virtually invisible when in place. Use
the backplate provided with the switch as a cutting template for the
switch body. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade and a small
straight edge to open the required rectangular cut out in the
fuselage side and mount the switch with the included bolts and
Optional Glow Driver System: The optional glow driver system
is installed now. After completing the wiring of this system, the first
thing to do is to mount the external charging receptacle that is
provided with the product.
Like the airborne on/off switch, we
mounted this receptacle centered within the black trim stripe on the
left fuselage side, as shown. Note the small "flap" shown in the
photo. This is a rubber cover for the receptacle when it's not in use.
We mounted our well taped and foam padded sub-C cell on the
bottom left side of the cabin servo tray, next to the receiver
mounting location. A single zip-tie securely holds this cell firmly in
As mentioned earlier, we mounted the glow driver control box on
the bottom side of the servo tray, immediately behind the fuel tank
and just in front of the airborne system battery pack. We wrapped
this box in foam, secured with tape, and used a single zip-tie to
As shown, this installation requires a small hole to be drilled
through the firewall to provide an opening for the glow plug
connector wire and the ground wire. We secured our ground wire
connector to the closest rear engine mounting bolt, using a metal
connector crimped and soldered to the end of the wire.
After using the MAXX Products MX9900DX system extensively in
our own Waco models, our opinion is that the installation and use
of this sophisticated little glow driver system is well worth its
reasonable price and the minimal effort required to install it.
At this point in assembly, all of the servos should be already
installed, tested, and working. What remains is the installation of
the battery pack, the on/off switch, the receiver, the optional glow
driver, and routing the antenna. Note that in this installation, the
battery pack and receiver are both mounted on the bottom surface
of the servo tray.
Battery Pack: The airborne battery pack is installed first. First
wrap the battery pack with sheet foam and use tape to secure the
foam. We mounted the battery packs in our Waco models on the
servo tray, as shown. We used two zip-ties to secure the pack
firmly in place.
If the battery pack has to be moved for C.G.
purposes, the zip-ties can be easily cut and the pack relocated as
On/Off Switch: As mentioned earlier in this manual, we
substituted the on/off switch that came with radio system for a
MAXX Products #3470 Charge Switch.
This heavy-duty after-
market switch allows the airborne system to be charged externally
and includes a silicon shock mount to prevent vibration damage. It
is installed just like any other on/off switch.
As shown, we located our switch on the left side of the fuselage,
centered within the black trim stripe.
Because the switch