measuring from the center of the firewall to the tip of the stabilizer
at the hinge line. Make sure that both of these measurements are
equal and secure in place with straight pins.
a. Using a felt tip pen, carefully mark the outline of the
rudder fairings onto the top of the stabilizer and where the
stabilizer rests on the fuselage stabilizer mount on the fuselage.
b. Remove the stabilizer assembly from the fuselage and
carefully remove the covering material from the previously marked
areas with a sharp new # 11 X-Acto
blade and a modeling knife.
Cut just inside the line of the marked areas and try not to cut into
the balsa wood. You must have a good wood-to-wood contact for
the glue joint.
c. Using slow curing epoxy, apply glue to the bottom of the
stab, stab saddle, top of stab, and to the bottom of the rudder
fairings. Slide the stabilizer assembly into the fuselage and wipe
off any excess glue that may have oozed out with a cloth soaked
in alcohol.
The slow curing epoxy allows plenty of time to
properly align the stabilizer assembly to the fuselage. View the
airplane from the top, front, and rear making sure the stab is
square, without leaning one way or the other. Again, measure
from the center of the firewall to the tip of the stabilizer. When
satisfied, pin the stab in place and allow the glue to cure.
BUILDER’S TIP: Use a sharpened piece of music wire or an awl
to perforate the mating surfaces of the stabilizer and the fuselage.
These small holes or dimples allow epoxy glue to migrate into
them and act like small nails when the epoxy has cured giving you
a superior glue joint.
Now that most of the major components for the fuselage have
been installed the landing gear can be assembled and attached to
make it easier to handle and move around. Note: We suggest you
use Loctite threadlocking compound on all bolts used in the
assembly of the landing gear.
27) Locate the two fiberglass Wheel Pants, two Main Wheels,
the two Steal Wheel Axle, two axle lock nuts, four Wheel Collars
with Set Screws, and four M3 x 15mm PWA bolts. Install the axles
into the large holes at the bottom of each leg of the aluminum main
landing gear. Thread the large lock nuts onto the threaded ends of
the axles and tighten these securely.
Note: On the axle side of the gear leg, the two flat sides of the
flange must end up parallel to the front of the landing gear, so that
the notch in the wheel pant will fit over the flange properly.