23) The rudder pull-pull system can now be installed. From
the kit contents, locate the 2 Steel Cables, 4 Swage Tubes, 4
Threaded Rigging Couplers, and 4 Metal R/C links.
a. Mount the rudder servo in place using the screws and
hardware provided by the servo manufacturer.
As previously
mentioned, we highly recommend using the Du-Bro’s super
strength servo output arms for the pull-pull rudder system. Install
the heavy-duty servo output arm on the servo. Turn on your radio
system and center the servo also making sure that the transmitter
trim is in the neutral position. Turn off the radio system.
b. The pull-pull cables have been provided in two equal
lengths, insert one of the cables into each of the pull-pull exits
located in the rear of the fuselage. Pass the cables completely
through the rear of the fuselage and up to the rudder servo
location. Keep pulling the cables forward until you have about
eight inches of cable remaining at the rear of the fuselage. Tape
the cables in place at the rear of the fuselage with small pieces of
masking tape to prevent the cable from slipping out of the pull-pull
exit tubes.
c. On the servo end of the cable, slide one of the copper
swage tubes onto the end of one of the pieces of cable. Then
insert the end of the cable through the small hole in the end
threaded rigging couplers, giving yourself about 2"-3" of cable to
work with. Loop the short end of the cable back and run it back
through the copper swage tube. Pull the swage tube up to the
rigging coupler about 1/2" away it. Use pliers or a crimping tool to
squeeze the copper tube tightly over the cable, locking it in place.
Cut off the excess short end of the cable. Repeat this process to
make the same type of end on the other piece of cable.
d. Attach the rigging couplers to the servo put-put arm as
shown in the photo. Make double sure that the cables do not cross
over each other in the rear of the fuselage. Each cable should be
straight from the servo out-put arm to the exit tube in the rear of
the fuselage.
Note: The rudder ends of the cables will be assembled after the
fin & rudder are glued in place on the fuselage.
24) Mount the two elevators servos in the fuselage at this
time using the hardware and screws provided by the servo
When done, temporarily unscrew the elevator
servos so you can install the "Y" harness cord in the next step.
25) As mentioned earlier, to make the elevators function
properly you will need to either electronically reverse one of the
servos internally and use a standard "Y" harness, or use the
MIRACLE "Y" servo reversing adapter" to obtain a mirror image
elevator action.
Install the your Y-harness through the wing opening in the bottom
of the fuselage through the upper cutouts in each of the fuselage
formers, back to the two elevator cutouts. The reason the cord is
routed through the top openings in the formers is to keep the cord
from cluttering up the rear of the fuselage and to keep from
interfering with the pull-pull cables.
Plug the servos into the
"Y" harness ends at the servo cutouts, and secure the connectors
with tape or heat shrink tubing. Then reinstall both the elevator
servos, pulling the excess chord lengths towards the front. Wrap
the MIRACLE "Y" control pot in foam and secure in place with
"cable ties" as shown in the photo.
26) Place the stabilizer & elevator assembly onto the rear of the
fuselage and carefully align the stabilizer to the fuselage by