66. Pin down the inboard panel over the
plan. Position the outboard panel on the
plan against the inboard panel and
raise the wing tip 3-3/4" as shown. If the
joint between the two panels does not
match perfectly, sand one or both of the
ribs until it does. Glue the panels
together with epoxy glue. Have a wet
joint to insure that the glue will fill any
gaps in the seam. After the epoxy has
set up, take up the wing panels and
peel off any excess glue that has
squeezed out.
Using a razor saw, cut a 3/32" slot in
the two W-2 ribs that are joined at the
polyhedral joint. Cut the slot right
behind the spruce spars to install the
die-cut 3/32" plywood polyhedral brace
(DB). Epoxy the brace in place.
Glue and pin in place 1/16"x1/4" balsa strips to the top and bottom of the
polyhedral joint as shown on the plans. These strips will serve as a place to
attach your covering later. You will probably find that it is difficult to bend and hold
the small strips that go between the front turbulators in place while gluing. If so,
don't worry about bending them into exact position. They are thick enough that
they can be glued straight, sticking out past the ribs, and then trimmed down
flush with the ribs as shown here.
Regardless of whether you have elected to use the optional bolt-on wing
attachment or the standard rubber band wing mounting, glue the die-cut 1/16"
plywood trailing edge reinforcement (TR) piece in place on top of the trailing edge
at this time.
Lightly block sand the entire wing half with 220 sandpaper to remove any high
spots or glue drops. This wing half is now ready for covering!
Rear Wing Alignment Pin
Carefully drill one 1/8" hole in each of the W1A ribs. The exact locations are pre-
marked by small dimples in these plywood ribs.
Slide the 1/8" dia. x4" hardwood dowel into the hole in the left W1A rib. Push it
into the wing panel until it contacts the W1B rib. Next assemble both wing panels
to align the dowel pin. Spread the wing panels apart just enough to allow you to
glue the dowel pin in place with thin CA glue.
NOTE: Be very careful to glue the dowel pin into the left wing panel only!