Also, drill 1/8" holes through the W1B and W-2 ribs shown on the plan to allow the plastic tubing to pass through them. In
addition, cut a small hole in the bottom center sheeting, just behind the spruce spar, where the plastic tube should exit the
wing. Carefully slide the plastic tubing in place, using a heat gun where necessary to soften the plastic tubing just enough
to allow it to be bent into shape. Glue the tubing securely to the ribs and to the bottom sheeting.
Cut and glue in place pieces of 1/16"x3"
balsa sheet to fit between the back of
the spruce spar and the trailing edge on
top of the center section.
Cut and glue in place pieces of 1/16"
balsa sheeting to fit between the front of
the spruce spar and the turbulators, and
between the turbulators and the leading
edge on both the top and the bottom pf
the center section.
NOTE: If you want to use the "Optional Bolt-On Wing Attachment" method described in the next step, do not glue the
foremost top and bottom pieces of 1/16" sheeting that contact the leading edge in place at this time.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have elected not to install the optional bolt-on wing attachment method and wish to use the
standard rubber band attachment, skip the following steps 46 through 54, and go directly to the section on "Wing
Construction: Left Outer Wing Panel".
If you are new to the sport of R/C modeling, it is recommended that you use rubber bands rather than the bolt-on wing
attachment. The rubber bands will allow the wing to pop off in a crash and not cause as much damage to the wing or
Optional Bolt-On Wing Attachment