Cut out the rib notch pattern. Tape it in place on Rib W1A, and then notch out the rib as per pattern.
With a sanding block, bevel one end of each 3/8"x1-5/16"x2-7/16" balsa wing block to match the angle of the W1A rib.
Epoxy glue the blocks in place between the ribs W1A and W1B of each wing panel. Use a T-square to make sure the
blocks are 90 deg. to the W1A rib and against the back side of the leading edge.
Trim and sand the balsa wing blocks down to match the W1B rib with a straight-edged razor blade or a modeling knife.
They should be perfectly flush with the bottom of the rib.
Epoxy the 1/2"x5/8"x1-1/2" basswood wing bolt blocks in place as shown in the "Optional Bolt-On Wing" drawings on plan
plate 2. With a sanding block, bevel the tops of the basswood blocks to match the wing dihedral. You can also round the
front inside corner of the blocks a little if desired.
Epoxy the 1/4"x1-1/4"x1-7/8" plywood wing bolt block to the back of former F3
as shown on the plan. Reinforce with a piece of 1/4" balsa triangular stock.
Place the wing on the completed fuselage and properly align it. Make sure each
wing tip is the same distance from the rear end of the fuselage. Tape the wing
in place and carefully drill through the wing and plywood blocks at the same
time with a 5/32" drill. On the two rear holes, remember to keep the drill
perpendicular to the top of the wing so the heads of the bolts will seat flush
against the wing.
Tap the hardwood blocks with a 10-32 tap. Take the wing off and redrill the
holes in the wing to 3/16" dia. to allow the nylon bolts to pass through.
Strengthen the threads and the wing
bolt holes with a few drops of thin CA
glue. When dry, clean the excess glue
from the threads with a 10-32 tap.
Cut and glue in place pieces of 1/16" balsa sheeting to fit between the bottom
spruce spar and the bottom turbulator, and between the turbulator and the
leading edge. When dry, cut away just enough sheeting to allow the balsa wing
block to sit flush on the plywood wing bolt block on the fuselage.
Finally, cut and glue in place a piece of 1/16" balsa sheeting to fill in between the leading edge and the front turbulator on
the top of the center section. When dry, make a 1/2" dia. hole in the sheet for access to the nylon wing bolts.