in the very first step. To protect the covered parts of your model
from unnecessary damage, we suggest covering your work
surface with protective foam or an old blanket. For the following
steps, you will need two aileron servos, two servo lead extensions
and a Dual Servo Y-Harness for your particular radio system. It will
be helpful to have your radio system charged and ready to use.
1) Remove the aileron from the wing panel and pull out the
four CA hinges from their slots. Note that the supplied hinges have
a die-cut center slot that can be used to accurately place and
center the hinge equally into both the wing panel and the aileron.
To do this, use an old business card and scissors to cut some
"wedges". These should be wide enough at one end so as not to
pass through the hinge slot cut-out.
Press the four hinges into the slots in the wing panel, up to the
hinge's center slot. Place one of the card wedges into each hinge,
then press the aileron in place onto each exposed hinge half, up
to the card wedges. Slide the aileron left or right to center it within
the wing panel aileron bay. The hinges are now in proper position
for permanent mounting.
Flex the aileron downward, exposing the hinges between the wing
and aileron. Hold the aileron in this flexed position with a piece of
masking tape. For CA hinges, we always recommend using a
fine-tip applicator on the glue bottle, to better control the flow.
Remove the card wedge from one of the hinges and carefully
apply four (4) small drops of thin CA glue to the left and right side
of the exposed hinge center.
Remove the card wedge from the next hinge and again apply four
drops of glue to each exposed hinge edge. Repeat this process
for the remaining hinges. Remove the tape holding the flexed
aileron to the wing panel and flex the aileron in the opposite
direction. Again, use a piece of masking tape to hold the aileron
fully flexed to the wing panel. Turn the wing panel over and apply
four drops of thin CA glue to each exposed edge of each hinge,
exactly as before. Remove the tape holding the aileron, returning
the aileron to its centered position. Because it takes a little time for
the CA glue to fully wick through the surface of the hinge and
surrounding wood, allow at least 10 minutes before flexing the
aileron. Clean-up any excess glue drops, runs, or smears on the
covering with SIG CA Debonder and a paper towel.
After sufficient time has passed, flex the hinged aileron firmly up
and down on the wing panel to create free and easy movement.
Also, pull on the aileron at each hinge location to make sure all four
hinges are securely in place.
Repeat this procedure for the
remaining wing panel and aileron.
2) Inside the servo bay opening, you will find a short length of
wood with a string tied to it. The string is used to pull the aileron
servo lead through the wing and out of the opening at the bottom,
center of each wing panel - leave the piece of wood in place for
Also, on the bottom of each wing panel, at the center front location,
you will see an oblong opening. This is the aileron servo lead exit
opening. Inside this opening, you will see a piece of wood with a
When installing CA type hinges, more
is not better! Applying excess thin CA glue to this type of
hinge does nothing more than stiffen it, potentially causing the
hinge to break. If you have followed these instructions, each
hinge will have a total of 8 small drops of thin CA glue on each
side. This is the correct amount of adhesive.