these small openings on each side of the fuselage, puncture them
with a pin. These two openings can be cleared using a hobby knife
or a sharply pointed tool. We used a sharpened piece of 1/16" dia.
music wire to complete the hole.
4) The elevator servo, with the extension cable attached, is
now mounted into the rear of the fuselage.
Install the rubber
grommets and brass eyelets (supplied with your radio system) into
the servo. Wrap the servo extension cable connection with tape
before placing it in the fuselage. Insert the end of the cable into
the elevator servo opening and fish it through the fuselage up to
the servo compartment while placing the servo into its opening in
the fuselage. The correct orientation for the servo is with its output
arm toward the front of the fuselage, as shown. Mount the servo
in place, using the four servo mounting screws that came with your
radio system.
We did not want the elevator extension cable flopping around in
the rear of the fuselage and decided to anchor it at a couple of
points. We reached into the back end of the fuselage, through the
servo compartment, and glued a couple of balsa retainers over the
cable to hold it in place.
5) The rudder servo is now installed. As shown, the servo fits
in the center of the servo compartment, with its output arm toward
the front. You will need an output arm that is long enough on each
side to properly operate the pull-pull linkage to the rudder. As
mentioned earlier, we used the Du-Bro "Super Strength Servo
Arms" for all of our servo output arms.
We used the 1-3/4"
two-arm output for the pull-pull set-up on our rudder servo.
Install the rubber grommets and eyelets onto the rudder servo.
Use your radio system to determine that the servo is moving in the
correct direction for "left" and "right" rudder action and center the
servo output arm to the servo. Install the servo into the fuselage
servo tray, using the screws provided with your radio system.
6) The throttle servo is now installed. This servo is positioned
into the fuselage servo tray, next to the throttle pushrod. To allow
for full movement of the pushrod, position the servo with its output
arm toward the rear of the fuselage, as shown.
Install the
grommets and eyelets onto the servo and use the screws provided
with your radio system to secure it in place onto the tray.
7) In this step, the pull-pull cables are attached to the rudder
servo output arm. The connection of these cables to the rudder
will take place in the Tail Group Assembly section. Uncoil one of
the pull-pull cables. Thread one end into one of the pull-pull exits
at the rear of the fuselage side. Carefully feed the cable toward the