In this section the tail surfaces will be mounted on the fuselage.
The elevator and rudder servos will also be installed. Because
of the size of the airplane, it is much easier to take care of these
steps now, before adding the main landing gear.
For the following steps you will need:
(1) Stabilizer & Elevator assembly
(1) Fin & Rudder assembly
(1) Nylon Control Horn with Clamp
(2) Nylon Control Horns without Clamp
(6) M2 x 30mm Bolts for control horns
(6) M2 Hex Nuts for control horns
(1) 5" long Pushrod for elevator
(4) Brass Pull-Pull Fittings
(6) Metal Clevis w/ M2.7 thread
(6) Short pieces of Fuel Tubing
(4) Metal Pull-Pull Swage Tubes
(2) Plastic-coated Steel Pull-Pull Cables
(1) Tailwheel Assembly
(3) M3 x 20mm Socket-Head Bolts
(1) 3-Arm Rudder Horn
(2) M2.8 x 15mm Screws
(2) Coil Steering Springs
(2) Servos with Mounting Screws (not furnished)
(1) 36" Servo Extension Cord for elevator (not furnished)
12) In preparation to gluing the stabilizer on the fuselage,
join the two wing panels together with the aluminum tube wing
joiner. Then bolt the wing in place on the fuselage with the
nylon wing bolts provided (be sure that the aileron and flap
servo wires are inside the fuselage). Set the airplane on a flat
surface with enough space around it to easily view it from both
the front and rear.
13) Remove the elevator and hinges from the stabilizer and
elevator, and set them aside for now. Place the stabilizer onto
the fuselage, aligning it with the centerline of the fuselage. Hold
it in this position with a weight to be sure it is sitting flat on the
fuselage. Step back and check the alignment of the stabilizer to
the wing.
a) First view the model from directly in front. Check to see
if the stabilizer is level with the wing, without tilting one
way or the other.
b) Carefully square the stabilizer to the fuselage and
wing in the top view. This is easiest to do by taking mea-
surements from the same point on each side of the airplane.
c) Use a fine line felt tip pen to mark some guide lines on
the stabilizer that will make it easy for you to realign the
stab after the glue is applied in the next step.
14) The horizontal stabilizer can now be glued permanently
onto the rear of the fuselage. We suggest using slow drying
epoxy glue for this job to allow time to position the stab
accurately and make any final adjustments that might be
needed. Apply the glue evenly to the stab saddle at the top rear
of the fuselage. Also apply glue to the exposed wood on the
bottom center of the stab. Place the stab onto the fuselage,
making sure it is properly aligned in top view as well as the front
view. Use weights or pins to hold the stab in this aligned
position until the epoxy cures. Wipe away any excess epoxy
with rubbing alcohol and a soft paper towel. Allow the glue to
dry completely.
15) While the glue is drying on the stabilizer it is a good time
to install the control horn on the elevator, before hinging the
elevator to the stab.
a) The elevator control horn goes on the bottom side of the
right elevator. Locate the pre-drilled holes and make
sure they are clear all the way through the elevator.
b) Slide three M2 x 20mm bolts through the control horn
and into the bottom of the elevator. Push or screw them
in until they first begin to come through on the top side
of the elevator.