b) Use a toothpick and apply a liberal amount of glue to the
inside of the hinge holes on the back of the wing. Make
sure the glue fully coats the inside of the holes. We
suggest working with one control surface at a time.
c) Now use a toothpick to spread a thin coat of glue in the
grooves of the hinge itself (just one side of the hinge).
Then insert the hinge into the hole in the wing until the
center of the hinge is up to the hinge line of the wing. Do
this for each hinge for that control surface. Flex the
hinges down 90
to ensure that the hinges are all in line
and do not bind when the control surface is deflected.
d) Once the glue from on the hinges has dried, prepare
some more glue and using a toothpick again coat the
inside of the holes on the control surface you are
working with. Be sure to apply a liberal amount of glue
on the inside of each of the holes. Carefully line up all
the hinges with the holes and push the control surface
up to the hinge point. Be sure to watch for excess glue
that might seep out onto the hinge point. Clean this off
right away so it does not bind up the hinge. Flex the
control surface up and down to make sure all the hinges
are lined up without binding. If needed use some
masking tape to hold the control surface in place while
the glue cures. Let dry.
e) Repeat steps a) through d) to permanently hinge both
ailerons and both flaps to the wing panels.
For the following steps you will need:
(1) Right Wing Panel
(1) Left Wing Panel
(16) M2.3 x 7mm Screws for servo hatches
(4) Servos with Mounting Screws (not furnished)
(2) 24" Servo Extension Cords for ailerons (not furnished)
(2) 12" Servo Extension Cords for flaps (not furnished)
(1) Dual Servo Y-Harness for ailerons (not furnished)
(1) Reversing Dual Servo Y-Harness for flaps (not furnished)
It will be helpful to have your radio system charged and ready
to use. It is a good idea to test and center your servos before
installation to ensure everything is working and won’t have to be
removed right away for service.
2) Both aileron servos need a 24" extension cord in order
to exit at the center of the wing. The standard dual servo Y-har-
ness will be plugged into the receiver for the ailerons. When the
wing is put on the airplane, the aileron extension cords are
plugged into the Y-harness. Prepare the servos for mounting by
installing the rubber grommets and eyelets (supplied with your
radio system) in each servo. Using your radio, confirm that the
servos are centered before proceeding.
a) Attach the extension cords to the aileron servos.
Secure the plugs together with either string (as
shown), tape, or heat-shrink tubing. This will ensure
your servos do not come unplugged in flight.
b) Remove the aileron servo hatches from the bottom of
the wing. A standard size heavy-duty servo will fit the
plywood mounting brackets on the hatches. Drill pilot
holes for the servo mounting screws. Then mount the
aileron servos on their hatches using the screws that
came with your servos.
c) A string is provided in the wing panel for pulling the
aileron servo cord through the wing. Each end of the
string is taped on the outside of the wing panel.
Carefully untape the string at the servo opening and tie
the end of the string securely to the end of the servo
wire, as shown.