Run the pen tight against the side of the fuselage, from the
leading edge of the wing all the way to the trailing edge. Mark both
sides of the fuselage on both the top and bottom of the wing. Then
remove the wing for the next step.
3) Next, you need to remove the covering material from the
wing between the marked lines. Start by using a sharp hobby
knife or single-edge razor blade to cut through the covering
material just inside the marked lines. Be very careful to cut the
covering material only - not the balsa wood structure underneath.
After you've cut through the covering material, peel the unwanted
covering off the wing.
4) Now glue the wing permanently in place in the fuselage, being
very careful to get it in perfect alignment before the glue dries.
5) As provided in the kit, the elevator is only temporarily
attached to the stabilizer with 4 unglued CA hinges in the pre-cut
slots. Separate the stabilizer and elevators and set the hinges
aside for now. Then use your covering iron to make sure the
covering material is securely adhered to the trailing edge of the
stab and the leading edge of the elevators.
6) Slide the stabilizer in place in the fuselage.
carefully to make sure you have the stabilizer properly centered
and square with the fuselage. Also check the alignment of the
stabilizer to the wing, checking both the top and rear views. If
necessary, alter the stab cutout in the fuselage to allow you to get
the stab in proper alignment.
7) Once you have the stabilizer properly aligned, use a felt-tip
pen to mark the fuselage location on the top and bottom surfaces
of the stabilizer. Remove the stabilizer from the fuselage, and then
carefully remove the covering material between the lines.
8) Glue the stabilizer permanently in place in the fuselage, being
very careful to get it in perfect alignment before the glue dries.
9) Assemble the elevators back onto the stabilizer with the four
CA Hinges. Make sure the pre-drilled holes in the left elevator for
the control horn end up on the left side of the fuselage, (left side as
if you were seated in the cockpit of the airplane).
Push the
elevators firmly up against the back of the stab. Also check to
make sure the elevator is centered on the span of the stab. Set the
proper amount of gap between the stab and elevators by
deflecting the elevator about 45
each way. This will automatically
set the proper hinge gap.
Keep in mind that for best control
response the gap should be as small as possible, but big enough
to allow full movement of the elevator. Make sure everything is
functioning properly before proceeding to the next step.
10) With a fine applicator tip on your glue bottle, carefully place
2 drops of Thin CA glue directly onto the first hinge in the gap. You
will notice that the glue wicks into the wood and the hinge. Quickly
turn the model over and apply 2 drops of glue to the other side of