the bags. When exposed to drier air, the wood loses the excess
moisture, dimensionally shrinking slightly in the process. In turn,
this shrinkage may cause some slight relaxing of the covering,
causing wrinkles to appear.
Any wrinkles that appear in the covering are easy to remove by
applying a little heat from a small modeler's heat iron. Because of
this model's small size, we do not recommend using a heat gun to
tighten up loose covering. A typical hobby type covering iron will
work just fine. Even better is a small modeler's "trim seal" iron,
which is perfect for controlling the heat applied to a specific area.
Using a small trim iron also minimizes the possibility of warping
the thin control surface parts.
For reshrinking AEROKOTE-LITE
set your iron temperature
to approximately 140
F (60
First, use the hot iron to go over all the seams and color joints in
the covering, making sure they are all sealed down and well
adhered. Then, hold the hot iron over the wrinkle to lightly shrink
the material - do not press on it. Once the covering is tight, lightly
iron it back down to the wood. Use caution whenever the hot iron
gets close to a seam in the covering. Over-heating a seam can
cause the covering to creep, exposing the wood underneath.
For proper assembly, we suggest you have the following tools and
materials available:
A selection of glues - thin, medium, and thick SIG CA, and
SIG Epoxy Glue (
5-minute and 30-minute
Fine point CA applicator tips
Pliers - Needle Nose and Flat Nose
Wire Cutters
Drill with Assorted Drill Bits
Pin Vise for small diameter drill bits
Small T-Pins
Hobby Knife with sharp #11 blades
Covering Iron and Trim Seal Tool
Paper Towels
Rubbing Alcohol (for cleaning off excess epoxy glue)
The following is a complete list of all parts contained in this kit.
Before beginning assembly, we suggest that you take the time to
inventory the parts in your kit.
1 bag
(1) Fuselage, with
(1) Electric Motor installed
(1) Wire Tail Skid installed
(1) Fin installed
(1) Velcro installed for battery mounting
1 bag
(1) Wing
1 bag
(1) Right Aileron
(1) Left Aileron
1 bag
(1) Stabilizer
(1) Elevator
(4) CA Hinges, installed but not glued
1 bag
(1) Rudder
1 bag
(1) Tall Landing Gear Wire
(1) Short Landing Gear Wire
(2) Main Wheels
(2) Wheel Collars with Set Screws
(2) Nylon Wheel Spacers
(2) Plastic Tie Straps
1 bag
(4) Nylon Control Horns
(4) Nylon Pushrod Keepers
(4) Pre-Bent Pushrod Wires
(11) CA Hinges
1 bag
(1) 9.25 x 5 Propeller
1 bag
(3) Brass Connectors (female)
(1) L-Wrench
(1) Prop Shaft Assembly, consisting of:
(1) Collet
(1) Drive Washer
(1) Spinner Nut
1 bag
(1) Decal Sheet
NOTE: In this manual, any references to right or left, refer to your
right or left as if you were seated in the cockpit of the airplane.
1) Carefully slide the wing in place in the fuselage. Measure
carefully to make sure you have the wing properly centered and
square with the fuselage.
2) Once you have the wing properly aligned, use a felt-tip pen
to mark the exact fuselage location on the surfaces of the wing.