Appendix A. Troubleshooting
Problem: Unable to install CcmAccess
Q: Are you logged in as an administrator?
If not, log in as an administrator and try again.
Q: Are you connected to the internet?
An internet connection may be required for a first time install. If a connection is not available, refer to the
Installation section of this manual for instructions on obtaining the appropriate USB device driver.
Q: Was the USB device installed when the ACAM was plugged in for the first time?
If you did not see the Device Setup message shown under Installation:
Open the Device Manager
Under Universal Serial Bus controllers, look for “USB Serial Converter”
If not found, right-click on “Universal Serial Bus controllers” and select “Scan for hardware changes”
If still not found, try a different USB port and/or USB cable
Q: Does the computer meet the minimum system requirements?
If not, the computer cannot be used with CcmAccess software.
Q: Is an application running that uses CcmAccess?
If so, close the application and try again.
Q: Is the target folder (as selected when running the install program) or any of its subfolders open?
If so, close the folders and try again.