Calibration with calibration weight
Define calibration parameters
● Enter the marked and described calibration parameters.
The defined weight unit applies to all weight specifications. You can specify a string with up to 4
digits as the weight unit, e.g.: t, kg, lbs.
Exceeding the maximum weight (= maximum material to be weighed) is indicated in DS30, status
1-2, at parameter "Max 9e". If the maximum weight is exceeded, this bit is set to TRUE.
The resolution d is used for the weight display in the SIWATOOL program. You can set the
resolution d in accordance with EN 45501 (0.0001 to 50).
Calibration weight 1 and its corresponding calibration digits define the characteristic curve of the
Use a minimum calibration weight as calibration weight 1, with a load cell characteristic value of:
● 1 mV/V: 4 % of the total rated load of all load cells
● 2 mV/V: 2 % of the total rated load of all load cells
● 4 mV/V: 1 % of the total rated load of all load cells
Number of load cells: 3
Nominal load of one single load cell: 100 kg
Load cell characteristic value: 2 mV/V
Use the following minimum calibration weight for calibration:
2 % x 3 x 100 kg = 6 kg
Figure 7-10
SIWATOOL: Calibration parameters for calibration with calibration weight
Send calibration parameters
● Send the calibration parameters set on your PC to SIWAREX.
● Select "Service mode on" in the Service menu. The calibration parameter (DR3) can only be
sent and the calibration commands executed with service mode switched on.
7.4 Fast commissioning (Quick Start) with SIWATOOL
Operating Instructions, 08/2019, A5E33715669A-AD