Revision 09/04
Elastomer bearing
Document No.: A5E00353789B
Page 16
2. Base plate preparation:
Unpack the base plate.
3. Elastomer
Unpack the elastomer bearing (10).
4. Assemble the elastomer bearing unit:
Please follow the guidelines from chapter 1.5 Load Cell Handling when working
with load cells.
An incorrect or incomplete assembly can result in damaging load cells, mounting
components and the loading platform.
A falling loading platform can result in death, severe injury or damage to
equipment depending on exposure.
Bolt the elastomer bearing (10) to the load cell (3) with the hexagon bolt (8) and
the washer (9). Hold the elastomer bearing (10) down when tightening the
hexagon bolt (8) to prevent damage being done to the load cell. The arrow on the
front of the load cell indicates the direction of measurement.
Lie the spacer bar (2) on the base plate (1) so that both holes are aligned with the
threaded holes in the base plate (1) and so that it is even. The spacer bar (2) is
Put the load cell (3) on the spacer bar (2) using 2x hexagon bolts (5) and 2x
washers (4).
Tighten 2x hexagon bolts (5) with 110 Nm ( 0,5 t, 1 t, 2 t), or 540 Nm (5 t). Do
not use the load cell as leverage when tightening the bolts as this can cause
damage to the load cell.
5. Install the elastomer bearing unit:
Loosen the bolts on the dummies
Lift the loading platform from the first bracket and remove the dummy.
Install the elastomer bearing unit and screw the bolts in loosely.
Align mounting holes of the elastomer bearing (10) if necessary.
Slowly lower the loading platform.
Install the remaining elastomer bearing units as described.
Ensure that the elastomer bearings are not under tension.
Tighten the fastening bolts.