6.2 Configuring the busbar run layout
SIVACON 8PS - Configuring with LX system
Configuration Manual, 10/2011, A5E02194899-02
Planning expansion compensation and fixed point
Basic knowledge of expansion compensation and fixed point
The busbar assembly and the enclosure expand due to heat dissipation under load.
Length expansion of the busbar assembly depends on:
The conductor material of the busbar system
The run layout of the busbar system (horizontal or vertical)
Power transmission or distribution.
There are three configuration cases:
Configuring horizontal busbar layouts
Configuring height changes within horizontal layouts
Configuring vertical busbar layouts
Expansion compensation
Expansion compensation is implemented by using a special trunking unit with integrated
expansion strips. This element absorbs expansion of the busbar run up to the specified
maximum busbar run length and must be positioned in conformity with the configuration
rules for a horizontal or vertical run layout.
Within a defined length, expansion compensation can compensate for both tension and
compression forces.
Fixed point
Fixed points are special fixing brackets that permanently fix the trunking unit to the fixing
material available on site. They therefore ensure expansion compensation in a defined
A distinction is made between fixed points for horizontal and vertical installation (see
selection and ordering data).
Attachment of a fixed point is necessary on the following busbar components:
Universal connection units (AS and AS-T)
Cable feeder units (KE)
Busbar connection units for non-Siemens distribution boards (FA).
Straight busbar elements and junction units depending on the length and course of the
busbar run.
You can find details on implementing fixed points for horizontal busbar runs using external
fixing accessories from suppliers in the installation manual "Installation with LX System"
(order number: A5E01120816).