2.1 General
SIPROTEC, 6MU805, Manual
C53000-G1140-C380-5, Release date 06.2018
Power System Data 1
The device requires certain data regarding the network and substation so that it can adapt its functions to this
data depending on the application. This may be, for instance, nominal data of the substation and measuring
transformers, polarity and connection of the measured quantities, breaker properties (where applicable), etc.
There are also certain parameters that are common to all functions, i.e. not associated with a specific control
or monitoring function. The following section discusses these data.
Setting Notes
The following parameters are only for CTs and VTs. For the other special setting notes of Merging Unit, please
refer to chapter 2.2.2. There are two possibilities for configuring CTs and VTs: 1-phase or 3-phase system con-
figuration.These two configurations share some common parameters and also have their own parameters.
In DIGSI, double-click
to open the corresponding dialog box. In doing so, a dialog box with tabs opens
P.System Data 1
, in which individual parameters can be configured. The following descriptions are there-
fore structured according to these tabs.
Rated Frequency (Power System)
The rated system frequency is set at address 0
Rated Frequency
. The factory setting of the model number
must only be changed if the device is to be used for a different purpose than intended when ordering. Parameter
is preset to 50 Hz.
Capacitive Voltage Measurement
When you set the address 0461
, and select the setting
Cap. Volt.Meas.
address 0369
VT Con Type
, the device measures the voltage via so-called bushing capacitances. The induc-
tive primary voltage transformers normally used are not used in this case. Capacitive voltage measurement
always measures the phase-to-ground voltages of the protected device. The following figure shows the con-
nection type.